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Whether you’ve been in the developer kitchen for decades or are just taking the plunge to do it yourself, The Complete Developer and the accompanying website usemodernfullstack.dev will show you how to build and implement every component of a modern stack—from scratch.

In the download section, you will find the source code for the food finder application, as well as all assets and listings. You can register an OAuth-Client for Chapter 9 and Chapter 15, generate a secret for your own applications and use www.modernfullstack.dev to test all the API endpoints you will encounter. All of which will help you to cook up your first modern full stack application successfully.

Cover of The Complete Developer
            Master the Full Stack with TypeScript, React, Next.js, MongoDB, and Docker
Get the book at nostarchpress.com

The Complete Developer is the personal cookbook you will need to succeed in the developer kittchen.

You’ll understand how to whip up a React-driven frontend, prepare and bake in a fully fleshed-out backend with Mongoose, MongoDB. Then you will put together a complete set of REST and GraphQL APIs. Finally you will rustle up a complete full stack application with the state-of-the art Next.js stack.

The book’s easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipes will teach you the most important tools and technicques to succeed as as full stack developer; from building your first web server with Express.js, complete with custom API routes, up to deploying applications via self-contained microservices. You will be able to spin up reactive, component-based UI's in no time, leverage command line tools and full-stack frameworks to build applications whose no-effort user management rides on GitHub logins.

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Leverage the potential of the modern JavaScript syntax, state-of-the art TypeScript, and the most commonly used full stack application framework, Next.js
  • Simplify UI development with the React library from the get-go
  • Extend your applications with custom REST and GraphQL APIs for full flexibility
  • Manage your data quick and easy with a combination of the MongoDB NoSQL database and the Mongoose Object Data Modeling (ODM) library.
  • Add OAuth to simplify user management, handle authentication, and authorization with no effort
  • Sleep safe and sound because with test-driven development you created automated Jest tests with stubs, mocks, and fakes
  • to watch your application

Whether you’ve been in the developer kitchen for decades or are just taking the plunge to do it yourself, The Complete Developer will show you how to build and implement every component of a modern stack—from scratch

The Books and recipies cover: Docker, Express.js, JavaScript, Jest, MongoDB, Mongoose, Next.js, Node.js, OAuth, React, REST and GraphQL APIs, and TypeScript